Games are a depiction of what goes on on life, where there are winners and there are also those who do not win ... but it is not just about winning, we learn to put the team before ourselves and even from that draw new insights about ourselves ... Just as in life, there're many rules, so rules in game play define boundaries to which we may compete. We all learn that rules are not necessarily fair ... the team that received the broken egg did not have a choice ... just like opportunities, if not seized, we are left with only broken eggs to make the best out of ... we learn much by oberving others and improvising from what others have done ... apply these skills in your I&E adventure ... you won't go far off ... continue with just one mindset, play as a team to win ...
The Lover's Summit Challenge.
It's not just about how well I'm able to climb, but as a pair how do we ensure that we both reach the same destination
"Oh no!!! I'm being blocked !!!" In life obstacles do appear, the way we overcome obstacles is a demonstration of our creativity.
Monster's Challenge.
As a team, those that are stronger always makes the biggest sacrifices. In life, those that are able to make the most significant, worthwhile and timely sacrifices are the true heros of life.

Thinking differently only gets you thus far, to truly succeed, it's also about doing things differently and persevering ... it's about initiative, being resourceful and being determined ...

Love Me Tender Throw Far Far
The physically strongest may not always translates to being the best, just as being physically attractive does not spell natural success.
We do not deny that there are natural advantages in being strong, just as there are natural advantages in being physically attractive ... in life, being thorough, being careful, plan and strategise makes a difference ...
Songs of theStrinking (Thanks Cancer7788) Shrinking Island
It's not just about MY talents, I may sing a 100 songs, but my team members MUST sing the same songs as me ...

Sometimes singing the simplest songs or taking the simplest approach, but doing it as a team makes the winning strikes ... many times in life, I win simply because the team wins ....
It's still about relationships ...

... beyong winning andlosinglearning, it's still about friendship .... it's still about relationships ...
The Lover's Summit Challenge.

"Oh no!!! I'm being blocked !!!" In life obstacles do appear, the way we overcome obstacles is a demonstration of our creativity.

Monster's Challenge.
As a team, those that are stronger always makes the biggest sacrifices. In life, those that are able to make the most significant, worthwhile and timely sacrifices are the true heros of life.

Thinking differently only gets you thus far, to truly succeed, it's also about doing things differently and persevering ... it's about initiative, being resourceful and being determined ...

Love Me Tender Throw Far Far
The physically strongest may not always translates to being the best, just as being physically attractive does not spell natural success.

Songs of the
It's not just about MY talents, I may sing a 100 songs, but my team members MUST sing the same songs as me ...

Sometimes singing the simplest songs or taking the simplest approach, but doing it as a team makes the winning strikes ... many times in life, I win simply because the team wins ....
It's still about relationships ...

... beyong winning and
I finally figured out the strinking island.. is shrinking island. n yes.. Game Master should always check for injuries, allergies, ppl feeling unwell, just in case. allergies can be very serious n I noe ppl allergic to mud, grass, peanuts etc.
anyway, yes.. I did enjoy myself n I believe most did too. Remember, winning isn't the most important.. it's the process, the teamwork, the learning journey that counts.
Yes yes yes, agree that I should be more cautious ... but I also believe that I'me dealing with responsible people who would/ should communicate with me. Anyway, point taken.
*sigh* i wish i were there...
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