Confidence, courage, level up, yeah!

LOL, yeah, i feel that i have developed the most in these 2 aspects confidence and courage. max told us that this module hope to develop the 5c in us, Creativity, Confidence, Courage, Character and Collaboration. hmm… creativity, yes, in the development and creation of games, trying to bring the games into a higher level, trying to think hard to try think out of the box, sometimes tried too hard and do things out of the norm. hahaha. Collaboration, just look at how our team does our work.
I stepped into the class thinking that this joker (Max, haha no offence) is just trying to do things differently from the others, talking too much far fetch stuff. Developing these 5Cs, blah blah blah… hey wait that’s the thing I lack of, “confidence” speaking up to others, presenting my ideas. Let’s see what this module can do to me…
Yeah, compared to that me in the above paragraph, I think I have more confidence and courage to speak up to people, about my ideas, without keeping everything inside of me. Those ‘scary’ meetings, got the whole team (or maybe only me) tremble in fear. But we overcame them, though we may not have really strong presentation skills and powerful persuasion technique. Let’s just hope our event will turn out a success. we have reached so far, let's hope the recipents of our project did learn something out of those dominos. =) JTYS
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