Week 3 What activity should we mount ?

An amazing race liked event (chargeable) with a scanvenger hunt targetted for Freshmen to be held in Ngee Ann polytechnic, so that they will be familiar with NP premise.
Using jigsaw puzzles, they complete tasks per base station until the full puzzle is being assembled. Super Glue + Dunamis
XDMN - extreme domino
Double Dual
Human Board Game - "Xin" Monopoly, XO, Fus-ball LIVE !! Where the objective is to promote fun and healthy lifestyle through the games and give participants an interesting experience and provide team building opportunities.
"Xin" Monopoly - a new Singapore-styled Monopoly (local places) with description of the history. Using human life-size players.
XO - new styled Tic-Tac-Toe with human challenge and questions about health and lifestyle.
Fus-ball LIVE - mini street soccer using Fus-ball concept (holding on to bamboo pole)
Our event is about a BBQ for 2 Orphanages, where the children will be involved in the planning process. Especially in coming up with the more suitable children games which are team building in nature.
Event will be held at East Coast.
Bonding will be established before the BBQ to get to know them better.
NP volunteers will be roped in to help organise the games and handle the safety of the children.
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