Monday, May 22, 2006

Week 4 Some lame story to share with everyone

Coming to you live ... the combined efforts of two teams ... Dunamis and Super Glue ... under the watchful eyes of visiting Minister Mentor, Mr MetaCole.

"Alrite, folks what have you guys got here that's gonna impress me ... mind you, I'm one tough nut to impress"

"Um ... will you get impressed if we act cute like this ?"

"Or do you prefer us to be more serious ?"

"I dun really care as long as you're able to give me a quality piece of work, so get your butts movin' and show me som'tin ..."

"Waaa !! So serious one ah?!! Come lah, let's get down to doing some work, or else datt fella scold us again ..."

"Hmmm where can we find some dominoes lay ?"

"This is no fun at all !!! I'm not happy !!"

"Dun bug me !!! I'm just gonna sit here and sulk all day ..."

"... and if you really want to cheer me up, come support me for my coming concert .... hey, I'm playing lay ...." [Afternote: sorry lah folks, the concert already over lah *max grins*]

"Come support me lay ? Or else I'll continue sulking ..."

"Ha ha !!? You this kind of pattern oso can play, meh ?"

"I really dun believe lay !?"

"What are you playing in the concert ?"

"Must be Kare-lare-fare lah, right ?"

"Or go there carry things one, izzit ?"

"Hey you dun always look sway people orkay, he vely talented musician you know !!"

"Like me, I oso quite talented one ..."

"Alot of my frens say I look like J J"

"Actually my name oso got J J, one you know"

"So dun anyhow come here plare plare, OKay !?!"

"I plare WCG one, real one OKay !?!"



Blogger xianxu said...

oh my. this is really lame!!

But funny! hhahahahahah

5/22/2006 10:23:00 PM  
Blogger Lam's Creation said...

COLEMAN ?!!! Wat did you do to your FACE ????!!!

5/22/2006 11:00:00 PM  
Blogger cole. said...

am i cool or am i cool? hurhurhur.

5/22/2006 11:11:00 PM  
Blogger Hui Nee said...

omg.. his face.. tot my laptop spoilt or the page loaded then got problem become liddat. LoL.

5/23/2006 07:51:00 PM  
Blogger Hitsugaya Toushirou said...

chee hao looks sooooo cute...lolx

5/23/2006 10:33:00 PM  
Blogger Lam's Creation said...

yah lor !!

5/24/2006 12:22:00 AM  

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