Wednesday, July 26, 2006

the C ive developed the most is constructivism. yea its a little out of the 5 C we were going to pick on but i believe by this it has aptly brought out a few of the other Cs. namely being that with the demonstration of how this method of teaching worked; has given me a flashback of the things i ve learnt through the excitments and disappointments, the laughter, to have fun in all seriousness of the task at hand while experiencing it first hand. I ve discovered through their guidiance sometimes obvious and sometimes completely unaware of my own weaknesses to change into a chance or an opportunity for moulding.

Im heartened by XX's post that it was a good thing that she was the leader because she has definitely risen above the challenge that was given to her and she has so much potential to explore further. three cheers to you babe!


Blogger cole. said...

eh, supposed to be the official 5Cs leh, not your own!

but good lah, you've shown the courage to be creative ;)

7/27/2006 09:57:00 AM  
Blogger Lam's Creation said...

You have tremendous potential yourself, the ability to think quickly on your feet, the power to articulate in immaculate English, and more ...

But, I can sense this "holding back" feeling that I get about you. Not exactly sure for now what it is, but it can be easily be mistaken as a lack of confidence ... ?

7/27/2006 10:10:00 AM  

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