Friday, August 04, 2006

Footprints from Johnny

THINK, THINK, THINK, but not too much...

Seriously, i gave a good thought over what Coleman had said during the official last day of our I&E journey. I realized that he’s the kind of silent killer in those movies, hahaha, given his ability to THINK (thank god he didn’t fall to the dark side, haha). I’m also glad to find somebody who thinks that he thinks so much that sometimes the real task on hand didn’t get done. Sometimes, I just procrastinate too much and opportunities are lost. “Just do it” we may say but how many of us really got the courage to “just do it”. Maybe I need to come out of the box I put myself into, I found out that I can only expressing more freely without strange stares from people, I need to build on a different kind of confidence, I must say. =) Thx Coleman.

The way he planned the slides is simply remarkable (once again showing us he knows what’s the general response of the crowd), expecting us to laugh at which slides and continue with “this is serious business!” haha, interesting. Also, I must say the friends he mentioned during the slides, that part hit me hard. I thought, yeah, value our (my) life, often we (I) always say “damn sian, wah lao, life su*ks” This once again reminded me another story, a girl always complained that she does not have enough shoes to wear, until one day she saw a man without any legs. We must treasure lives, (haha, heard this over and over again.) even though you may believe your life su*ks, but once you think of people worse off than you, you may start to think again, is it really su*kie as I thought? Thx Coleman.

The “system”- I talk this topic among my friends a lot, “the system we are in, the whole society we are in is flawed, and it needs more improvements, etc” (and sometimes I just cursed and swore) Coleman touched it again, in a more subtle way, “who’s advice to listen?” “hidden agenda?” well, I can’t talk about this much, cause I’m just another failed product of this system, I cannot complain much about it because this will be posted on somewhere where a lot people can see, I’m cautious, haha. What I want to conclude is that, just make the best out of this “system”, try to THINK for yourself, what’s wrong and what’s right, rather than allowing yourself to be part of the flawed system. And this I&E module is something different from what I have learnt from this “system”. Thx Coleman. Clap Clap Clap. HOOOOO. JTYS =)


Blogger cole. said...

i'm glad what i said got you thinking :)
wait, it got you THINKING? hmmmm...
but yeah, there's a time to think, and there's a time to "just do it".

anyway, thanx for sharing what you've learnt! :)

8/05/2006 12:39:00 AM  

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