Friday, October 13, 2006


Main Event
19th October
6.45am meet at boon lay station, Late-comers will be thrown into a pool of crocs.

18th October
8.00 am meet at boon lay station, Late-comers will be thrown into a pool of crocs.
LSCT people 11 am meet max.

List of who is what

Mastermind cum scorekeeper cum overall timekeeper - XX


Team 1. Wei Xian
Team 2. Rena
Team 3. Cliff
Team 4. Tze Kee
Team 5. Beverly
Team 6. Wai Ling
Team 7. Xue Qi
Team 8. Hong Jun
9. Sebastian
10. Mai

Game Masters

Game 1. Bryan
Game 2. Jin Jie
Game 3. Hui Nee
Game 4. John


1. Name Tags – Stickers for participants
Print Name of Facillators, Game Masters – put in plastic name tags

2. Evaluation Forms to be done by us and printed by max.

3. Number Tags to be printed out./ stickers


How to recognize facilitators and students – Facilitators handpick

– create a theme
– announce grouping
– Paint scenarios - DM?
– Control time (Mr Chew gives out prizes at the end of the game)

-Allocate stations
- scoreboard/ Clipboard
- Point of time to record timings to be the same throughout all the teams, to create fairness. Eg.Team 1-8 at Game 1, the time to be start recording straight after one team member touches the domino tiles.

Music – borrow from jean

- Keep digging for answer
- Personal experience
- Select a leader from each group if you think the group is disorganized, meaning everyone is talking but no one is listening to one another

- if game completed, but time’s not up, facis do something with them – it can be toilet break, cheering, dancing or listen to them
- Prepare for the next game.

Let me give some tips for Game masters... after observing people playing

Rules and instructions to be clear and make sure everyone understands
Diagrams for the games, for easier explanation
If they are not proceeding the game smoothly, "sell" hints to them using time penalties, BUT be fair and treat the same to all the teams
A card writing the body combinations for the game 2, are you being restricted
Don't emphasize on working around the rules at start
Don't be too soft, don't drop too much hints
Game 1, give them some time for them to strategise before the start of both the sets of colours
Game 3, DOMENO, 2 packets as max number of domino tiles
Game 4, Start recording when they touch the domino tiles

Jin Jie, write these combinations down on a card, so that u dun forget, and remember to bring 2 scissors on wed, for them to cut =)
Level 1
5 ears
5 toes
Level 2
1 ear, 1 ankle, 1 specs, 1 lips, 1 toe
1 hair, 1 finger, 1 lip, 1 toe, 1 spec
level 3
5 hair, 1 finger, 1 lips, 5 toes
7 fingers, 3 ankles, 2 ears
Level 4
6 ears, 2 ankles

End of Message


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