Thursday, October 26, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
thank you all
monday was NP cheers soft launch, then tues was my sister's wedding, was busy the whole day, then wed was the setup at blss and rushing for lecture by KOH POH TEE, and today was the final event plus rushing for french lesson PLUS meeting for cheers.
slept less than 10 hours for these 4 days. but when the event is over i am like so happy cos it means one thing less off my schedule...phew..
but it's really worth it kk. (although u guys kept complaining that the tags i made are ugly. hur hur.. :P)
anyway i am just here to say BIG thank you to ALL OF YOU who came and play a part in this event (shan't really go into detail cos what i wanna say, johnny already did in his naggy long post :P) .
but however there are still one person that i need to thank a bit more than anyone of u, and that is still johnny :) Liked mentioned before this entry, he really did a ULTRA fabulous job when i was away. If he didn't promised me to take over when i was busy, i think team SDG will lose our momentum totally. which i feel that it would be a waste when we had already came so far..
so thank you johnny for keeping us alive! (lols are u touched, john? ) haha..
okay okay i typed so much, i'm f**king (cencored by Max to maintain family friendliness of this blog) tired alreadyyyy. i can scold all sorts of bad words now.. haha..
so good night!
will update sooonnn
love, xx.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Anymore events?
but seeing the kids laughing and enjoying themselves in the event... it's priceless... =)
Chee Hao is good, although during training he's like very fearful of what's his next move, his line and all that... but now he just go on the stage naturally and "say what i want to say la". And i like the idea of the FREEZE!
The gamemasters were cool too, there's a sudden change of the groupings and they seemed to be able to adjust well to ensure fairness for everyone of them, esp JJ, he managed to get the facis to play with them if the group itself has a lesser number.
Facis were quite zai also, trying hard to act friendly with them at the same time guide them to understand the underlying lessons learnt from the games, early in the morning. Most of you were like ZzZzz but still you managed to conceal it from the students properly so that they won't sian.
For people who lived v far away from boon lay, thank you for waking up darn early and help out in our event. I'm sure you had fun as well, esp seeing the kids having fun.
Thank You, Max, for doing a lot of the preparation for us, training us, help us print stuff, volunteer to provide us refreshments, guided us on how we can effectively get prepared for the event, get us prepared mentally for the event... etc
Thank You, Coleman, for teaching us the constructivism and facilitating skills, when you said it, it was the first time i heard it. As well as appearing in our event, it was morale boosting, actually i tot u will rest at home. hahaz
Thank You, Joe and Jean as well, for being friendly and training us, and putting actionpreneurs' reputation at risk by letting us to run an event under the name. lol.
Thanks BLSS as well, for providing us the students, the venue, the necessary equipment and the trust for letting us to handle the students.
so, who else i din mention... lol... XX, relax... when she came back and handle the preparation, she was like doing everything herself. "who do?" "who's doing it?" XX: "me lor"
My confidence level was acutally quite low during the period when no one was leading the team, XX was on attachment and Bryan was quite busy at times, attendance rate was low, my morale was low as well, MC not very prepared, i dunno if facis understand what are they supposed to do, do they understand the games fully?, full dress rehearsal also not very well rehearsed, meetings sometimes were not as productive... Well, from the results we got... you guys really proved me wrong! hahaha...
well, finally it's over... phew...
Thanks everyone ... Job Well Done !!
First kiss to XX and Bryan for being the project leaders. (bigger for XX since she's a girl and nicer to kiss)
Next GIANT kiss to John for perseverance and faithfulness in standing in through the whole event
Next kiss to Chee Hao for eventually coming up on stage and bringing on the show
Kisses to my guests Xue Qi, Zhi Qi, Rena, Cliff, Hui Nee and Sebastian for extending help in the most critical moments
Kisses to the quiet ones who worked without complaining JJ, Bev, Wei Xian, Wai Leng
Thank you all. Not for the mounting the event, but for proving to me that you folks are people of integrity, people who honour your words and for being people worthy of respect.
I am very proud of all of you, may you continue to excel and perform in all the other areas of your studies as well.
God bless you all !
Max & Coleman
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
1. we will be granted access to bomb shelter for setup on the 18th oct at 8am ( sounds like we are going there to plant bomb. lols.. )
2. and yes, 19th is the day! event starts at 8am sharp!
3. he promised that aircon will be on, and that the request list that i had given him will be granted as well (except for a few items which i will settle with u guys individually, no worries :) ).
Johnny had settled the evaluation form, number tags, scoresheets and floorplan for us, we just have to print it out. Wei xian had also sent me a list of questions which facis could ask, we need to get that printed out as well.
( for the printing job, john and i wonder if max can lend us the IE office printer please?? hee hee.. cos someone said that the IE office printer is good.. haha.. =x )
anyway, i will make sure everything is on good hand and be done by hook or by crook k? :)
And as for my part, i had already made 'little' name tags for each of u guys, facis as well as game master :) eh. let's put it this way, even if it's ugly u guys must wear okay! :P
on the 18th oct, BS students (those without lecture in the morning) please meet 7.30am SHARPPPP at boon lay control station. as for the LSCT students, please contact max after ur lessons had ended? erm. I put hui nee in charge of this kkkkkk!
lastly, i would like to thank john for taking over when i'm not ard, and that he makes good responsibilities to make sure that everything is going on fine... THANK YOU JOHNNY! *kisses*! lols..
everyone stay happy, drink more water, dun fall sick k! : D
p/s: max can email me hong jun, sebestian and mai's contact no. and emails pleaseee? : D
will keep updating,
xian xu.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Something to share
Sunday, October 15, 2006
- Draw a floor plan, and indicate what thing to be put where. at least have some ideas of wads where.
- Get all to-bring logistics packed. get it ready to be moved.
- Things like laptops etc. who to bring? how many? back-ups?
that's all I can think of for now..
Friday, October 13, 2006
Forget to add...
And remember who to bring laptop for that day, i'll be bringing one, and then i'll pass the sets of colours to Bryan who is in charge of that game station
That's all, =) Good Luck, Have Fun
19th October
6.45am meet at boon lay station, Late-comers will be thrown into a pool of crocs.
18th October
8.00 am meet at boon lay station, Late-comers will be thrown into a pool of crocs.
LSCT people 11 am meet max.
List of who is what
Mastermind cum scorekeeper cum overall timekeeper - XX
Team 1. Wei Xian
Team 2. Rena
Team 3. Cliff
Team 4. Tze Kee
Team 5. Beverly
Team 6. Wai Ling
Team 7. Xue Qi
Team 8. Hong Jun
9. Sebastian
10. Mai
Game Masters
Game 1. Bryan
Game 2. Jin Jie
Game 3. Hui Nee
Game 4. John
1. Name Tags – Stickers for participants
Print Name of Facillators, Game Masters – put in plastic name tags
2. Evaluation Forms to be done by us and printed by max.
3. Number Tags to be printed out./ stickers
How to recognize facilitators and students – Facilitators handpick
– create a theme
– announce grouping
– Paint scenarios - DM?
– Control time (Mr Chew gives out prizes at the end of the game)
-Allocate stations
- scoreboard/ Clipboard
- Point of time to record timings to be the same throughout all the teams, to create fairness. Eg.Team 1-8 at Game 1, the time to be start recording straight after one team member touches the domino tiles.
Music – borrow from jean
- Keep digging for answer
- Personal experience
- Select a leader from each group if you think the group is disorganized, meaning everyone is talking but no one is listening to one another
- if game completed, but time’s not up, facis do something with them – it can be toilet break, cheering, dancing or listen to them
- Prepare for the next game.
Let me give some tips for Game masters... after observing people playing
Rules and instructions to be clear and make sure everyone understands
Diagrams for the games, for easier explanation
If they are not proceeding the game smoothly, "sell" hints to them using time penalties, BUT be fair and treat the same to all the teams
A card writing the body combinations for the game 2, are you being restricted
Don't emphasize on working around the rules at start
Don't be too soft, don't drop too much hints
Game 1, give them some time for them to strategise before the start of both the sets of colours
Game 3, DOMENO, 2 packets as max number of domino tiles
Game 4, Start recording when they touch the domino tiles
Jin Jie, write these combinations down on a card, so that u dun forget, and remember to bring 2 scissors on wed, for them to cut =)
Level 1
5 ears
5 toes
Level 2
1 ear, 1 ankle, 1 specs, 1 lips, 1 toe
1 hair, 1 finger, 1 lip, 1 toe, 1 spec
level 3
5 hair, 1 finger, 1 lips, 5 toes
7 fingers, 3 ankles, 2 ears
Level 4
6 ears, 2 ankles
End of Message
the rest who wants to split the tiles, reply to this thread!
Bev, John, Xue Qi, Chee Hao, Jin Jie, Wei Xian, and me came down at 9am to prepare n get ready, after which Joe and Jean came at 10am.
bev here. ho ho. anyw the participants werent here and well pretty much everyone was anxious and nervous abt J&J being here before the participants and how we were goin to conduct the games. so anyw, we did a lil rehearsal of the mceeing and they worked on the partnering part. Joe helped them out and taught them a thing or two abt bringing up the mood to the audience and atmosphere. other than tt, when the games were being conducted, somehow it went alrite with the participants enjoying themselves. thou at the do 'ME' no game, they were a bit sian because they couldnt figure out how to fall all the dominos and yet cover all the white parts. they actually tried means and ways to find loop holes in the rules. nonetheless they followed thru. so now here they are, playing the king of castle.. we ll see how the feedbck session goes.
but anyws still better to update what was done than never.
On wednesday, XX had a meeting with us, John, JJ, Cheehao, Weixian, Wailing and me at the cheers chillout (hot and i mean HOT)spot.
and we came up with a list of things that were needed to buy:
1 pack of poker cards
2 markers
10 notebooks
10 pens
2 whistles
which im sure has been bought except the 2 whistles and markers im not sure.
Our budgeted prize are as follows:
1st Prizes: $12
2nd Prizes: $10
3rd Prizes: $8
Which Weixian, Wailing (both in charge of) and Cheehao went shopping for..
John and JJ had other tasks to complete:
Things to do:
Games instructions which were needed to print and itinerary to confirm and also to solve the DO’ME’NO problem.(solved by the way. we are using masking tape on the floor.)
Other things to note:
Things to borrow from BLSS:
5 marker
4 canteen tables
10 chairs
8 Stopwatches
Sound system
1 whiteboard
1 Extension cords ( for 2 laptops)
The last part to borrow isnt done yet so do take note before the day of event!
thats all for now and thanks for staying tuned.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
We went through all the 4 games tdy. Bev, Wai Ling, Tse Kee, Hui Nee, as well as myself were the participants. While John n JJ are the Game masters n Facis..
Well.. everything was quite smooth.. its all about knowing the loopholes of the rules.. :)
Chee How n Cliff joined in later..
Here are the name list for the Game Masters:
Hui Nee
Wai Ling
Tse Kee
Wei Xian
and perhaps XX if John's v 'zai' fren can't make it
Here are the basic ques for the debrief:

Its juz a guide if u r stuck.. so.. don juz stick to it ba.. juz go wif the flow.. like wad coleman taught us.. ;)
I have bought those Blue Notebooks for the Facis to note down the 'performance' of the participants.. which will be distributed to the Facis tml.. plz don lose it.. and don 4get to bring it on the actual day ok?? pens will also be distributed.. plz don lose it too..
! Details for tml !
Attire: Black Polo
Venue: Blk 56 - 01 - 03
The participants were informed tt its at 56 - 01- 02
so if u all c any blur blur ppl standing outside tt rm, plz ask if they are attending our event and den bring them to the correct venue and bring them to BEV.. she's in-charge of them..
Time: Before 9am.. Plz don be late!!
participants will arrive at 10am.. the whole thing will probably end at 12pm..
Wai Ling, XX, Bryan cant make it tml..
the no. of participants will be above 5..
tt's all.. :)
remember don be late ah..
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Pictures of site @ Boon Lay

You folks all ready to cah-wah-bungah ? Jia You Ahhhhhh !!!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
rehearsal for full dress rehearsal
Max had already helped us book a room, 56-01-02, for the whole day.
So please be there at 10am to rehearsal.
Not only the original 8, but also those who are willing to help us.. :)
Please do come down alright?? Cos we are playing thru ALL the games. interesting huh? :)
ps: The good thing is that chee hao is able to make it! haha..
lastly, the full dress rehearsal with actionpreneur will be on 13th oct 2006, this coming friday. So this makes the thursday rehearsal important!
We have decided on cutting away the game "Coins Salute" and getting the number of students reduced.
However, we still need to rehearse for the full dress rehearse, yup, sounds weird but still got to do it. We need to confirm the date, the people there and the place, yup...
Saturday, October 07, 2006
18th & 19th X'treme Dominos @ Boon Lay
This is getting very exciting ...
Let's put down in writing wat's happening so that everyone is aware:
1. Meeting on Tuesday (10 Oct) 10am @ student plaza for planning, checklist, finalising + rehersals (MC + Facis) called by Xian Xu.
2. Actual full dress rehersal with Actionpreneurs @ Blk 56-01-01(Max confirmed booking) for dry run of event called by Bryan.
3. Setup of venue on 18 Oct @ Boon Lay Sec TIME? (XX/Bryan pls confirm with Mr Chew)
4. ACTUAL EVENT ON 19 OCT @ BOON LAY, Mr Chew requested for 8:00am (OK with everyone ?)
Now to address individuals:
Xian Xu, dun feel bad, we understand that you're on ITP. Since you & Bryan the most gnam ones, he was the best candidate to take over, although he got tendencies to be late, I am convinced he tried to give his best ...
Bryan, to me you and Xian Xu are best jie meis, two are one ... so you leader or XX leader oso same to me. Let us know your roles so that everyone knows how to relate to the both of you, for now we assume that you cover one another.
Chee Hao, you're a VERY important person, pls let us know your availability on the dates stated.
Johnny, JJ, thanks for enthu support -> being punctual/early for all meetings so far.
Wei Xian, thanks for quiet undramatic support, need your continued cool presence to influence everyone to ai jai ...
Bev, thanks for being so supportive, continue doing watever you're doing ... it's nice having a supportive sister around to ensure smooth running ...
Wai Leng, Rena, Cliff, Xue Qi, + another girl dunno the name one -> pls get ready to do some big time acting ... so facis, if bev got to you, you would have be informed to read this, otherwise read it anyway ...
Yi mian, Sherlene, Wei Jie -> are you folks on ? We do need extra hands and legs to better support the event ? Your help would be appreciated.
Everyone, pls let me know if you need more ka-gniah, I can rope in 2 or 3 more reliable (can pniah jwee type) helpers to do head do tail if you want.
Ai Jai,
Max is around ... and so is Coleman (in the spirit) ...
Friday, October 06, 2006
Good to see that things are starting to pick up again. Well that's what normally happens when the deadline draws near ;)
Too bad I couldn't join you guys last thursday, cos I was busy giving some new lecturers a hard time. Thursday was the day when all those new lecturers had to do a 10-minute lesson for everyone else to critique.
And almost all of them were nervous. Some were very obviously nervous.
All of them had to learn to manage their nervousness, and not let nervousness affect and cripple them.
One of the lecturers appeared totally confident, but he admitted that he was nervous as well, and he said he handled it by channeling his nervous 'energy' to his presentation. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but maybe it was helpful to some.
As for me, when I'm nervous, I do a couple of things:
1. Before the event, I prepare and prepare and rehearse again and again. The more prepared I am, the less nervous I get. For me, I don't have to rehearse out loud - I usually do some rehearsals in my mind, by imagining myself in the situation.
2. Just minutes before it's my turn, I may get nervous now and then, so I'll just breathe in as deeply as possible, hold my breath a little, then exhale slowly. Controlling your breathing actually has this calming effect.
3a. And when it's finally time to stand up to present or whatever, I'll just let myself be part of the moment, soak in the environment, and tell myself to enjoy myself. It's like when you're pushed into a swimming pool - you can either start treading the water, or just relax and enjoy being in the water. You can float either way, but one way is a lot more enjoyable than the other.
3b. Besides soaking in the environment, I find that physical factors help too, especially posture. When I stand straight, chest out, arms and legs apart, I don't just look confident, I start feeling confident too!
These are just some pointers that I find useful. Hopefully you'll find them helpful as well.
It's too bad that I won't get to meet you guys again, until after the event. I'll be stuck in reservist for the next 2 weeks :'(
Despite that, I hope you guys do really well, and most of all, have a great time!
/regards to the BLSS event\
Firstly, i have fixed the date with jean and joe for the trail run to be on next wednesday, 11th Oct, cus i won't be free for next friday.
The time will be the same as it was, from 9am-1pm
Chee Hao, can pls take off on tat day?...pls's onli in the morning. THANKS =))
And the original 8, pls sms me by this friday to confirm with me whether you will be able to make it or not. thanks lots =))
response to Johnny
I had read the blog, thanks Johnny, Max, JJ and Bev for making today’s meeting so fruitful. Special Thanks to Johnny for reporting down to us what is being discussed. :)
With regards to choosing the bomb shelter as a venue to hold our event, it’s a good place cos we don’t have to worry about any disturbance or making any disturbance. =) But I’m a little worry that the stuffiness will cause a little disappointment to both the student and us, cos I had a fair taste of it when we had our choir practices there last time.. and becos of this, I’m afraid that it would cause a ‘no-mood-to-participate’ ambience..
So I’m thinking that the solution to this is to actually borrow a few fans from BLSS, adding on to the list of sound system, tables chairs etc etc. [ let’s settle the ‘to-borrow-list’ soon]
Next, going on to taking away coin salute and reducing the number of students, I think it’s a good idea, Johnny. Like mentioned, we dun have enough manpower, and the area is too small and stuffy for 8 groups of 10 to squeeze together to make the coins stand. Hence, I really would like to vote for a small group of student, let’s say 8 groups of 5, or even 5 groups of 5. Plus if we cut down on the number of students, we would be able to (like what Johnny said,) observe each of them in details. *After all this is our first trial run, plus we really dun have enough man power, I’m afraid that we cannot handle the situation….
Talking about handling the situation, we really need Chee Hao and Xueqi! Humph. I feel that we can’t have them rehearsing just before the rehearsal on the coming Thursday. And personally, I dun support last minute work too. So can I have you guys to meet up with me this coming Tuesday (10/10) to do a few things? :
1) Get the namelist of participate. [for this I promise I’ll go down to sch personally to ask for it. We cannot depend on actionpreneur anymore.]
2) The things that we need to borrow from BLSS.
3) The ppt for the running of the colours on the laptop for Rainbow Dominos. [The ppt die also must be done by then].
4) The ppt for the grouping of students to be flashed, so they know their groupings easily [ but this can be only done after getting the name list, so I may do it personally also].
5) THE MATERIALS and prizes! We are all going to get them at IMM Daiso and IMM giant! [ die also must get. Cannot drag anymore.]
6) Floor plan for the venue- where to put what.
7) Decide on the ACTUAL number of students who is going to participate. [if no one voices out, I’m going to make decisions on my own, by then dun blame me hor… heh].
8) And yes, we are going to rehearse, rehearse and rehearse, helping ourselves as facilitators and the two big EMCEES, Chee hao and Xueqi! Hahaa…
Yup and meanwhile this is my agenda for this coming Tuesday (10/10), and whether I meet my agenda or not, I’m also depending on you people! So please attend the meeting!
Currently I had set the meeting on 10/10/2006 (this coming Tuesday) at 10am, at student plaza (the one at the bus-stop). Any Changes I will inform u guys personally. J
Oh yah, and addressing the attendance problem, I think those who hasn’t been attending has to be ashamed! We are working as a team but only few of them have been attending the meeting so far! Though I have ITP and ‘can be excused’, I feel shameful of myself already. So I’m going to make it up but giving all the best of what I can do!
REMEMBER, it’s NOT too late!!!
Ps: sorry for being so long winded!
With love and misses from XX
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Some points to take note:
1. (Full rehearsal day) Joe and Jean are not available on the next thursday, so we cannot do a full rehearsal on that day, i was thinking of doing it on friday start at 9 and end at 1 latest, so we can do a little last min work on thursday. And, Joe said he's willing to 'lend' us some of his friends to act as participants, the impt thing is Chee Hao must be around + all the materials needed must be there.
2. (BLSS) Whatever we need from BLSS, email to Joe, eg how many tables, sound system, CDs? (this one i not sure, maybe we bring them ourselves?), name list of the participants, so that he can help consolidate and request from Mr Chew.Mr Chew, DM of BLSS, said that we can reduce the number of students if we cannot handle. Also, the students to be change to sec one and two councilors, we will mix them around =)
3. (The coin issue) Because of the problem of getting coins standing up and students actually crowding around a small area, plus they will need a flat platform for the coins to stand, Max suggested that we do away with the game, making it a 4-games event... That brings me back to the idea of Mr Chew's. Maybe we shrink our target audience by doing away with the coin salute?
Comments? Then, it will be 8 groups of 10 without reducing yet. Because of the shortage of manpower, i'm suggesting to be 8 groups of 5 ? one facis attach to 5 students... so that the behavior of each individual can be observed and then learning points of each students can be drawn out with greater detail. =) Comments?
4. (on that REAL day) we're gonna meet up early, because it's a normal school day for the students over at BLSS, letting them stay back to play our games is kind of bad for them, (if we din manage to run thru it smoothly) We are going to set up the game booths before that day, so it's 18th of Oct, the wed, and the real event will take place at 19th Oct 8am. 7.20 is their assembly time. (Mr Chew was even asking us to start at 7.40, haha) it will roughly end at 1pm, including prize giving, debrief,etc
5. (Attendance) I was a bit shocked by the attendance, nobody told me not coming, want dun go, all dun go la, dun fly me kite leh... lol 3 of us were there, excluding Max. JJ, me and Bev. However, we did quite a lot of stuff, least we got things planned out. Pls... pls... pls... come on thursday and the other day for the full rehearsal with actionpreneur around. If cannot come, msg me at 91913796 Thank You for your cooperation =)
X'treme Dominos
Venue: Boon Lay Secondary School
Programme schedule (timing will be changed - wait for XX or Bryan confirmation):
09:00 Setup
11:00 Final Brief + Lunch
12:00 Attendance/Registration/Grouping/Getting to know you with Facis
12:45 Assemble
01:00 Opening address (joe)
01:15 MC intro (ground rules, cheer)
01:30 Games start
02:00 2nd game
02:30 3rd game
03:00 4th game
03:30 5th game
04:00 Debriefing
04:30 Prize giving
05:00 Home sweet home
Station 1: Rainbow domino
Trust in team members
Understanding team members’ strengths and weaknesses
1. You are to stand in front of a laptop, away from the domino area when viewing the colour sequence
2. You will be shown once only to remember the full colour sequence
3. Using the least possible time, you have to set up the domino tiles in the same colour order
4. Only one representative from the group can request the colour to be shown again at the same speed
5. Domino tiles must be able to fall through at one try, every 5 seconds will be added for a tile unable to fall and another 2 seconds will be added for a wrong position of the tile.
EG. the last three tiles did not fall after a single push, and the team took 1min 25 sec, the recorded time will be 1min 40 sec (1min 25 sec + 3 X 5sec), and if there are 10 tiles being placed in the wrong position, the time will then become 2 min (1min 40 sec + 20 sec)
Station 2: Salute Coins
Manage stress under time
Getting the work done with the least effort through the team
Patience and perseverance
Students will be given 3 mathematical sums per team
They are to form 3 rows of coins added up to be the solution to the sums
Students can work with both the coins and the solutions at the same time
They are to used the fixed given number of coins provided
Not allowed to use personal coins
The 3 rows of coins must be standing together at the same time before they are fall together
All the coins must be able to fall through at one try
Penalty of 15 sec for wrong solution to the question, 2 sec for every coin unable to drop
Game 3: Are you being restricted?
Creativity and innovation
Ability to come up with the best solution in the shortest possible time
Conflict solving
Both teams are given the same number of domino tiles
All the tiles are tied to a string
Game masters will then say out the body parts
All team members are then to tie to the end of the string to the body parts stated
Eg. “Your domino tiles are to tie to… 1 hair, 3 fingers, 4 ears” The team must then tie the domino tiles to 1 hair, 3 fingers and 4 ears and then form them up in a straight line
A straight row of domino tiles are to set up using the shortest possible time
(For the game masters, extra strings can be given to the students if they request for it)
Team members can tie to more body parts but not lesser than what the game masters said
All the domino tiles must be set up standing up before they are being toppled
All tiles must be able to fall through at one try
Penalty of 5 sec for every domino tiles unable to fall
Game 4: DO ME NO
Common goal
Division of labour
Teams are given same number of domino tiles
Students will have to set up a “ME” shape using only domino tiles
The domino tiles are to cover the white area after the fall
(we will be using white paper and tape, to make the white “ME” area)
(for game masters, extra domino tiles can be given only when request is made by the students)
Using only one push, all domino tiles must be able to fall
Time penalty of 5 seconds for every tile unable to fall
The white area of “ME” must be totally covered
Students are not allowed to tear away the white area or do anything destructive to the white paper, heavy penalty of 5min to be added for any teams caught cheating
Game 5: King of the Castle
Working around the rules
Importance of foundation
Form a circle of dominos using 80 of the domino tiles
Build a castle of 3 level high using only poker cards within the area of circle of dominos
(For game masters, there are only 75 tiles at both sides, so the teams have to do a simple cheer in order to get 5 more tiles
Let them discover the missing 5 tiles first and when they ask about it at the first time, answer them “don’t know”, second time, demand a good cheer before giving them 5 more tiles)
The wall of domino tiles must be built first before the castle of poker cards
All domino tiles must be able to fall through at one push only after both the wall and castle is set up
Rivalry between kingdoms is allowed
80 domino tiles must be used to form the wall for the castle
A minimum of 3 level high of castle is to set up
Time penalty of 5 seconds for every domino tile unable to fall and time penalty of 20 seconds for incompletion of castle